
March of Dimes Gets a Windfall

Last month, the March of Dimes in NYC received more funding from the provincial government to help open the Acquired Brain Injury Congregate Care Home, a brain injury care home designed and being built to offer support and services for individuals living with brain injuries and their families.

Acquired brain injury is the result of a traumatic or non-traumatic event, which can produce temporary, prolonged, or permanent disability in cognitive, emotional, behavioral or physical functions.

The announcement said March of Dimes will get another $193,267, in addition to the $810, 000 already provided by the local province.

The March of Dimes plans to convert a former school on Bancroft Drive into an eight bedroom care home. The home will offer residents 24-hour support and access to a psychologist, occupational therapists, and speech and language specialists. The home will include a therapy space, a dining room, and a lounge area.

A Brain Injury Lawyer explained that this facility is important because individuals who live with a brain injury will be provided on-going rehab and support – something that is severely lacking in some environments. Specialty facilities are needed because there is strong evidence that excellent care evolves into recovery and a satisfactory life.

The project manager in Queens with MHPM, a local company specializing in project management and leadership, is supposed to act on behalf of the March of Dimes during the design and construction phases of the home’s development.

The home is expected to open in the summer of 2011. It will also provide 29 new jobs, 16 full time and 13 part time positions for the residents in and around Sudbury.

March of Dimes is a community-based rehabilitation and advocacy charity for people with physical disabilities. A doctor says that the organization has worked tirelessly to move the project forward. The much-needed facility will give families caring for their brain-injured loved ones peace of mind.

If your son or daughter – or another loved one – needs the constant care a specialized home like this would provide, you can seek the counsel of a New York Brain Injury Attorney. Such a professional will help you sift through options and mount any legal campaigns necessary.

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