
There are three major means researchers have used

It is important to learn more about brain injury so they might be better treated, Lawyers have determined. There are three major means researchers have used to learn more about such things: experimental, mathematical, and observational.

Many of the things people know about brain injury comes from experimental studies. Test subjects have included human cadavers, anesthetized animals, and animal cadavers. In some cases, physical models or computer models of heads can also be used. Experiments conducted on living humans are limited to non-injurious impact, of course.

When it comes to human cadavers, doctors have learned, there is representation of what happens to the general anatomy, but not to systems like the circulatory system, because the cadaver has no working organs. And animals differ enough from humans that beneficial details may be lost in such experiments.

Mathematical studies in The Bronx and Long Island often fall into the range of using computer models, which predict the likely results of impacts, by modeling both the brain and the physics of the impact and the objects that might strike or be struck by the head, according to sources.

Observational studies can only occur when a living human has sustained a closed head injury. While the subject is treated, it is also an opportunity that can used to collect data that will help treat others with similar injuries in the future. doctors have learned, however, that due to the vast amount of variables involved between individuals and types of impact, it is not always possible to create data which is universally applicable.

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