Articles Posted in New York City

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Sports are not really known for causing major head injury, according to experts, but as technology advances, people may find more opportunity for engaging in different sports where the potential for injury is more prevalent. Sports only accounted for between 3% and 5% of head injuries in the 1950s and 1960s, it rose to 12% by the 1980s. Mild head injuries related to sports or recreation were more likely to occur in males than in females, with males peaking at 10-14 years of age, but females peaking about 5 years earlier.

Horseback riding has seen its share of head injuries as it becomes more popular, doctors have discovered. In the country of Sweden, there were a number of riding accidents, but very few caused head injuries and even fewer were fatal. In a Canadian study, head injuries occurred in 92% of 156 riding injuries, and were determined to cause all 11 deaths. That number was 79% of all deaths associated with horseback riding.

Boxing has caused a great deal of controversy, because it may very well cause a great deal of brain injury. The sport, however, has contributed a great deal to the understanding of brain damage due to repeated blows to the head. Regulation has reduced the number of fatalities. Even though a knockout involves inducing a coma lasting more than 10 seconds from a blow to the head, investigations fail to show evidence of lost of intellectual capacity in boxers, when they are studied under control conditions in Long Island and New York City.

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Head trauma, by medical standards, has to have a broad definition, New York Brain Injury Lawyers have learned. It can refer to any trauma to the body above the lower border of the mandible. In fact, injury to the face or jaw is considered different from head trauma, even though injury to one often causes injury to the other. For these purposes, the head includes the scalp, skull, meninges, blood vessels, and brain. Trauma is used to mean an external force of energy, like a mechanical force, that causes physical injury to any or all of the tissues that make up the head. Other injuries, such as those caused by electrical, thermal, or chemical energy are usually considered to be a separate sort of injury, treated as burns, but deep burns can often cause injuries that require neurosurgical care. Such construction accident injuries, however, are quite rare.

For the purposes of a study to collect data on head injury, there is no agreed definition, New York Brain Injury Lawyers have learned, which makes it nearly impossible to compare studies when they do occur. It is important, therefore, to find a definition that fits. Some have stressed the separation of head injury from brain injury, with the latter meaning neurological damage. These same sources also advocate the identification of patients who sustain ‘neuro-trauma of public health consequence’ where there was a high chance of ongoing neurological impairment which would require medical or nursing care.

Sometimes, however, it is better to keep the definition a little boarder, because many head injury patients often seem minor at first, but later show evidence of much greater injury. Hospitals in Long island and New York City are aware of the situation.

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The way surgeons deal with shrapnel or bone fragments in the brain has changed since the days of Korea or Vietnam, doctors tell investigators. It was once the standard to remove every last fragment of bone or any other foreign body, so the brain would have a lower risk of infection and there would be less chance of developing post-traumatic epilepsy. Studies of Vietnam War patients has shown that removal of all fragments is not actually necessary, though objects that cause gross contamination should still be removed.

Closure of the scalp and replacement of the dura are absolutely vital to prevent, or at least reduce the chance of, CSF leakage and meningitis. A soldier who seems to have good neurological status, with only small fragments in the brain may be able to be treated locally to prevent leakage. One with a more extensive injury will have to undergo a large decompressive creniectomy and removal of the fragments, New York Brain Injury Lawyers have learned.

Another source of head injury from an explosive blast can result from being bodily thrown by the explosion. The soldier’s head could strike some other object, causing tertiary blast injury or concussion. This can cause injuries in a number of places in the patient’s skull as hospitals in New York City and Queens have learned. There is also the risk of infection in cases such as these, often from bacteria that are drug-resistant. A number of dangerous injuries can result from such trauma, New York Brain Injury Lawyers know. It can be very important to repair such injuries as facial fractures quickly

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New York Brain Injury Lawyers have documented a decrease in the killed:wounded ratio thanks to advances in medical science. Less than 1 in 10 patients die from their combat-related injuries. Even on the battlefield, there have been great medical innovations. Clinical improvements used to treat traumatic brain injury (TBI) include early decompressive craniectomy, neuro-critical care, cerebral angiography, transcranial Doppler, hypertonic saline, TBI clinical management guidelines, among other techniques.

All the new medical procedures have resulted in a greater survival rate for fighters injured in combat, according to New York Brain Injury Lawyers. This, however, leaves a great many with debilitating injuries, which means new procedures for rehabilitation must be developed.

The press reports the frequency of explosive blast traumatic brain injury (bTBI) as around 40-60% of deployed U.S. combatants. Another report estimates as many as 320,000 or 20% of all forces deployed suffer from some kind of TBI. There is little evidence to support these claims and a comprehensive study of bTBI has yet to occur in places like New York City and Long Island where many veterans live.

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A man from Pensacola, Florida, is accused of pushing his 4-month-old son. The violence caused the child to suffer a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Bond for the man was set at $150,000.

The 20-year-old father, of the 200 block of Marigold Drive, was charged with three separate counts of aggravated child abuse when he was arrested last week and placed in the Escambia County Jail where he still remains.

The child was brought to a hospital by someone close to him, but the exact details of that are not available at the present time. According to an NYC Brain Injury Lawyer, the Sacred Heart Hospital contacted the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office when it was suspected that the child’s injuries were non-accidental.

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A New York Brain Injury Lawyer indicated that the health department of the military is rejecting insurance claims for brain injury patients who have had traumatic injuries. They are doing this even though doctors and lawyers across the nation are supporting it.

The agency did their own internal study in 2009 and reported that they found that cognitive rehab therapy done for brain injuries by itself was not scientifically proven to work for patients. They claim that this kind of therapy takes too long and is too expensive.

A representative from the Military Times newspaper, said, “There is not much evidence provided by research that proves the benefits of treatment provided to a traumatic brain injury patient.” A NYC Brain Injury Lawyer and other law makers disagree that this is the case. Of course, the projected amount for a program that last for four months is $50,000, which is reasonable considering the type of injury. The patient will have to relearn specific motor skills.

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When it comes to preventing head injuries, it is important to focus on traffic accidents. New York Brain Injury Lawyers know that most severe head injuries occur in traffic-related incidents. A large aspect of prevention is the control of alcohol. Not only does alcohol contribute to many vehicle crashes, but many medical professionals believe that a high blood alcohol concentration (BAC) may also reduce the individual’s capacity to survive a crash, especially if a head injury is sustained. Any head injury prevention program must include a discussion on alcohol.

High BAC has consistently been shown to increase the risk of crash involvement, and there are already a number of programs across the United States to curtail drunk driving, from public awareness campaigns, to increasingly harsh criminal sentences for driving while under the influence. The data consistently proves to New York Brain Injury Lawyers that high BAC results in more accidents and more fatalities. Some of the data might even be understated when it comes to drunk drivers killing sober drivers in a crash.

Obviously, the reason why alcohol has such a terrible effect in these cases is due to the way alcohol affects neuronal function. In fact, studies have shown New York Brain Injury Lawyers that it takes very little alcohol for impairment to set in. Different places in the United States still have different levels of tolerance for BAC while driving, however. In New York City and Westchester County, the tolerance is very low.

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The way surgeons deal with shrapnel or bone fragments in the brain has changed since the days of Korea or Vietnam, doctors tell NY City Brain Injury Lawyers. It was once the standard to remove every last fragment of bone or any other foreign body, so the brain would have a lower risk of infection and there would be less chance of developing post-traumatic epilepsy. Studies of Vietnam War patients has shown that removal of all fragments is not actually necessary, though objects that cause gross contamination should still be removed.

Closure of the scalp and replacement of the dura are absolutely vital to prevent, or at least reduce the chance of, CSF leakage and meningitis. A soldier who seems to have good neurological status, with only small fragments in the brain may be able to be treated locally to prevent leakage. One with a more extensive injury will have to undergo a large decompressive creniectomy and removal of the fragments, New York Brain Injury Lawyers have learned.

Another source of head injury from an explosive blast can result from being bodily thrown by the explosion. The soldier’s head could strike some other object, causing tertiary blast injury. This can cause injuries in a number of places in the patient’s skull. There is also the risk of infection in cases such as these, often from bacteria that are drug-resistant. A number of dangerous injuries can result from such trauma, New York Brain Injury Lawyers know. It can be very important to repair such injuries as facial fractures quickly. Doctors in New York City and Long Island must be aware of the different kinds of injuries which result from brain trauma.

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Blast TBI (traumatic brain injury) happens to many combatants, according to New York City Brain Injury Lawyers It can rightfully be considered a new class of TBI. While it might share a lot of features with standard TBI, it has some unique aspects that are all its own. New York City and Long Island veterans are aware of these situations and the danger involved.

The milder forms of TBI can be very similar to PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), but it also has distinct aspects of its own. The military currently uses civilian standards of care for TBI when it comes to bTBI (explosive blast TBI), but they are constantly revising their standards to better provide for those injured on the field, according to New York Brain Injury Lawyers. The theater of war requires different standards of medical practice.

It is apparent that there need to be more studies done on the precise effects of bTBI, both scientifically and clinically. The research will have to be focused upon how explosive blasts can lead to TBI. It is also important to learn how prevalent this disease is, and the exact causes. Once the research reaches a certain level, it will become much easier to diagnose and treat bTBI. A clinical definition of bTBI should quickly create the means to treat bTBI.

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The 9-year-old boy who was accidentally run over by his own father while on a family outing was finally awarded compensation worth a staggering £8.1 million in today’s currency. This record-setting amount was a court-approved award for the child who will need lifelong care.

After suffering severe spinal and brain injuries in March of 2002 when he was just two-and-a-half years old, the boy is left with severe physical and mental limitations and is dependent on a wheelchair.

A NY Brain Injury Attorney remembers that the incident happened on a family trip to Mead Open Farm, near Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire. The boy’s father failed to see him, and when he reversed the car, he drove over the toddler.

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