
Articles Posted in Suffolk County


Severe facial trauma can prevent reliable neurological examination

Sometimes the extent of moderate or severe damage caused by bTBI (explosive blast traumatic brain injury) is difficult to determine at first, doctors have told New York Brain Injury Lawyers. Severe facial trauma can prevent reliable neurological examination, especially when it comes to examining the pupils for reaction. Specialized tools…


The slow recovery of the injured indicated by

A source and other U.S. Lawyers in Nassau and Suffolk attempt to understand the traumatic incident that occurred in Tucson, Arizona when a Congresswoman and others were shot by a lone gunman. Some were killed including a nine year old girl who was listening to the Congresswoman speak because of…


Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is now a well-defined clinical syndrome

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is now a well-defined clinical syndrome, according to New York Brain Injury Lawyers. The 2000 edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision states that some patients who experience life-threatening events might well feel intense fear or helplessness which becomes PTSD. Victims…


Injured Man from Birmingham, England, Receives Major Settlement

A man from Birmingham, England, has been awarded 3.6 million in British pounds, equivalent to around $5.8 million in U.S. currency, sources tell New York Brain Injury Lawyers, after a car accident in which he suffered brain damage. The 39-year-old man hit his head on the steering wheel of his…


Injuries caused by an improvised explosive device (IED) can be complicated

Injuries caused by an improvised explosive device (IED) can be complicated, New York Brain Injury Lawyers have learned. Such a blast can cause a number of injuries that have their own problems, like traumatically amputated limbs, multiple penetrating wounds, and heavy bleeding. It takes a great deal of skill and…


New York School District Implements Improved Athletic Protocol for Head Injuries

A school district in East Syracuse issues new protocol to deal with head injuries in its athletes. The new approach dictated by the East Syracuse Minoa district measures head injuries at every level. The plan is set to be expanded beyond the athletic department. ES-M has worked for months to…

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