
Brain Injury Lawyer Blog 24/7


It isn’t necessary to go into the entire pathology of primary brain damage here

It isn’t necessary to go into the entire pathology of primary brain damage here. Suffice it to say that it is important to use primary brain damage to understand the initial level of consciousness of a patient and any neurological problems that might immediately be apparent, doctors in The Bronx…


The conscious level also helps to measure how serious the injury is

The importance of the initial examination when it comes to closed head injury cannot be stressed enough, according to Manhattan doctors. The conscious level may be the best way for a clinician to assess brain function after a head injury. The level of consciousness is often tested early, as the…


War, while terrible, can often bring many innovations

War, while terrible, can often bring many innovations, such as new medical concepts, according to sources. A committee of British clinical neurosurgeons in World War II sought to develop a standardized terminology for states of impaired consciousnessand published a glossary of their work. This committee included several preeminent neurosurgeons and…


The whole method of determining consciousness is changed when it comes to infants and young children,

The whole method of determining consciousness is changed when it comes to infants and young children, doctors have discovered. Often, the severity of a head impact is overestimated, but it’s much more common for the reverse to be true. When an infant cries because of a head impact, it is…


Non-impact generally means the head did not suffer a direct impact

Many experiments have been done to determine if brain injury could occur without actual head impact, according to studies. An impact injury that deforms the skull may have some sort of mitigating factor because the skull distributes some of the force that would have otherwise been transferred directly to the…


Traumatic brain injury, not caused by flying objects, can be divided by physicians into primary and secondary types

Traumatic brain injury, not caused by flying objects, can be divided by physicians into primary and secondary types, according to doctors in The Bronx. The force that causes the injury directly damages blood vessels, brain cells, and other parts of the brain, which in turn cause secondary damages like inflammation,…


Physically, the only real difference between the head being still or in motion when struck, is frame of reference

Physically, the only real difference between the head being still or in motion when struck, is frame of reference. The real difference, doctors have learned, is that does not lie in if the head is in motion or not, but in such factors as the velocity of impact and the…


The clinical assessment of head injury severity is commonly based on what is known as the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS)

The clinical assessment of head injury severity is commonly based on what is known as the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) according to doctors. A score of 3-8 means severe injury, 9-12 is a moderate brain injury, while 13-15 is mild head injury, based upon examination six hours after injury. The…


Before 1950, trauma was classified by the external cause

Authorities in Long Island have studied a publication by the World Health Organization (WHO) called the International Classification of Diseases (ICD). In this publication, trauma and head injury are included in the chapter ‘Injury and Poisoning’. Before 1950, trauma was classified by the external cause, which makes it impossible to…

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