Articles Posted in Cerebral Edema

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Brain injuries are not only caused by blows to the head, sharp objects, or falls; they can also result from medical treatment of conditions not directly related to the brain. Medical errors during treatment for various health issues, such as respiratory or cardiac conditions, can lead to complications like oxygen deprivation or improper medication administration. These complications may cause significant brain damage, impacting cognitive and physical functions. Recognizing the diverse causes of brain injuries underscores the importance of diligent medical care and monitoring, as well as the need for legal recourse when medical negligence leads to such devastating outcomes.

In Redish v. Adler, 195 A.D.3d 452 (N.Y. App. Div. 2021), the Supreme Court, Bronx County, considered a medical malpractice claim involving allegations that the plaintiff suffered serious brain injuries following treatment for an asthma attack.

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