
Articles Posted in Traumatic Brain Damage


Before 1950, trauma was classified by the external cause

Authorities in Long Island have studied a publication by the World Health Organization (WHO) called the International Classification of Diseases (ICD). In this publication, trauma and head injury are included in the chapter ‘Injury and Poisoning’. Before 1950, trauma was classified by the external cause, which makes it impossible to…


The symptoms of bTBI (explosive blast traumatic brain injury) can actually be very subtle,

The symptoms of bTBI (explosive blast traumatic brain injury) can actually be very subtle, doctors tell studies. Sometimes, there is no outward sign of injury until certain symptoms begin to arise, like headaches, vertigo, or short-term memory loss. Because of this, victims of bTBI should be evaluated by a physician…


Penetrative TBI involves the penetration of a foreign object through the bones of the skull

Doctors have learned of a new classification for traumatic brain injury (TBI), known as explosive blast traumatic brain injury (bTBI). Previously, physicians divided TBI into two categories, penetrating traumatic brain injury (pTBI) and closed head traumatic brain injury (cTBI). Blast TBI is similar, but has some aspects that are all…


The symptoms of bTBI (explosive blast traumatic brain injury) can actually be very subtle, doctors tell New York Brain Injury Lawyers

The symptoms of bTBI (explosive blast traumatic brain injury) can actually be very subtle, doctors tell sources. Sometimes, there is no outward sign of injury until certain symptoms begin to arise, like headaches, vertigo, or short-term memory loss. Because of this, victims of bTBI should be evaluated by a physician…


Explosive blast traumatic brain injury (bTBI) can be a complicated thing, New York Brain Injury Lawyers have learned.

Explosive blast traumatic brain injury(bTBI) can be a complicated thing, sources have learned. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have determined secondary, tertiary, and even quaternary effects that may contribute to a particular patient’s condition. The primary injury comes from the forces created by the explosion itself. Secondary injury…


Penetrative TBI involves the penetration of a foreign object through the bones of the skull

Lawyers have learned of a new classification for traumatic brain injury (TBI), known as explosive blast traumatic brain injury (bTBI). Previously, physicians divided TBI into two categories, penetrating traumatic brain injury (pTBI) and closed head traumatic brain injury (cTBI). Blast TBI is similar, but has some aspects that are all…


New Bill Offers Hope

The Wounded Warrior Project is looking forward to the introduction and passage of a new bill that would help warriors suffering severe traumatic brain injury live better lives after their sacrifices in Iraq and Afghanistan, describes a doctor. The bill, called The Veterans’ Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitative Services’ Improvement Act…


Gifford’s Recovery from Attack that Left Her Brain Damaged

The human brain has an amazing capacity to heal itself. Every year, about 1.7 million people suffer a traumatic brain injury (TBI) in the U.S. Like so many other victims of TBI, U.S. Representative Giffords is reportedly making remarkable progress. Last January, an attacker shot Representative Gabby Giffords at point…

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